Tasmota does support Domoticz MQTT out of the box for sensors and relays both.
To configure Domoticz and Tasmota, you must follow the procedure given below:
The following servers must be available:
- Having installed/accessed an MQTT broker server and established a connection with the Tasmota device.
- Having installed Domoticz.
MQTT and Virtual Sensor
If you haven’t already configured Domoticz MQTT and Virtual Sensor hardware, follow this procedure:
- Open the hardware page. There you must type –
MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface.
- Provide a suitable name.
- Now, you will need to configure the interface with access to your MQTT server (Remote Address, Port, Username and Password).
- After that, set the public topic to flat (which seems to relate to out in the select field).
- Open the hardware page. There you must type –
Dummy (used for virtual switches).
- Provide a name.
Virtual Switch
For creating a new virtual switch, use these steps. Make sure to remember its idx number.
- To design a new virtual switch which you will be using with Sonoff, tap on Create Virtual Sensors.
- Provide a suitable name. Select Sensor Type Switch.
- Now go to the Device Page and search for the new switch with the name you have provided previously.
- Remember its Idx number.
Tasmota Configuration
Tasmota allows several ways for configuring Domoticz. Let’s check them out.
- Use the webinterface and select Configuration – Configure Domoticz:
- Set In topic to domoticz/in as hardcoded in Domoticz
- Set Out topic to domoticz/out as hardcoded in Domoticz
- Configure Idx 1 to the value read in step 2.i
- Use MQTT and execute commands (if necessary, replace tasmota with unique topic you configured in Initital Configuration, see point 5 there)
- cmnd/tasmota/DzInTopic with payload domoticz/in as hardcoded in Domoticz
- cmnd/tasmota/DzOutTopic with payload domoticz/out as hardcoded in Domoticz.
- cmnd/tasmota/DzIdx1 with payload value read in step 2.i
- Use the serial interface and execute commands:
- DzInTopic with domoticz/in as hardcoded in Domoticz
- DzOutTopic with domoticz/out as hardcoded in Domoticz
- DzIdx1 with the value read in step 2.i
Those were all the steps you needed to follow to be able to control your device from the Domoticz user interface.
- Go to the Switches page and then scroll down to search for your switch as configured in step 1.
- Tasmota should respond when you toggle the light bulb.
Automatic Discovery
Tasmota allows automatic discovery by Domoticz through the Domoticz MQTT Discovery plugin.
The following services should be made available:
- You have access or have installed a MQTT broker server. Plus, you made contact with your sonoff.
- Domoticz is installed.
- The Domoticz MQTT Discovery plugin is also installed.
MQTT Discovery Plugin
Configure Domoticz MQTT Discovery plugin.
- Visit the hardware page and Type MQTT Discovery.
- Provide a name, e.g. Tasmota.
- Configure the interface with access to your MQTT server (MQTT Server Address, Port, Username and Password).
- Now, change the Discovery topic to homeassistant unless it has been changed in a custom Tasmota build.
- At last, change the Ignored device topic to /tasmota/ to avoid unconfigured Tasmota devices from being discovered.
Tasmota Configuration
Precompiled Binary:
- Every Tasmota device needs to have its own topic. The quickest way is to set topic to tasmota_%06X (%06X will be replaced by MAC address). See here for how to set the topic.
- Use MQTT or Serial or Web console and execute commands (replace %topic% with the device’s unique topic).
- cmnd/%topic%/SetOption19 with payload 1 to enable MQTT discovery.
Custom Binary
- The settings mentioned above can be defined in user_config_override.h (TBD)
- That’s it! You are now able to find your Sonoff in the Domoticz user interface.
- On the Switches page scroll down and find your Switch as configured in step 1.
- Toggle the light bulb so that Sonoff can respond.